Вакансия: Стажер в лондонское отделение Condé Nast
  • 15.09.15
  • 6461

Вакансия: Стажер в лондонское отделение Condé Nast

Лондонский Condé Nast ищет стажера на полгода в отдел международного развития. Подразделение было сформировано только в этом году. Вакансия подразумевает работу над проектом по сбору и визуализации статистических данных по целевой аудитории и различные административные обязанности.

Стажировка оплачивается. Ничего, кроме чувства юмора, организованности и энтузиазма, не требуется. И визы, разумеется. Текст вакансии специально не переводили: хотите работать в Лондоне – учите английский.

Global Business Development Intern - 305

(6 month contract paid at national minimum wage)

The Condé Nast Global development team was formed earlier this year with responsibility for generating new business across borders, platforms and categories.

The team is now looking for an organised, efficient and enthusiastic intern to assist the increasingly busy and exciting department. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain real insight into the commercial side of Condé Nast's Global portfolio.

The successful candidate will be predominantly responsible for a data project which will involve the consolidation and visualization of demographic and audience data from multiple sources. They will also be responsible for general sales support, producing/updating media packs and presentations as well as many other administrative duties.

The right candidate will be strong in attention to detail, self-motivated and confident. They will be flexible and happy to turn their hand to anything. A good sense of humour is a prerequisite!

Please send your CV & cover letter to [email protected] with your name, the job title and reference number in the subject box.


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